3 Quotes & Sayings By Keren David

Keren David is an Israeli writer and founder of the It’s All About the Food movement. She is a mother, wife and entrepreneur who believes that food can be a means to promote human happiness. Her first book, I AM WHAT I EAT, has been translated into nine languages and was considered as a bestseller in Israel, selling over 30,000 copies. In 2014 she created the It’s All About the Food movement as a place for people from all over the world to share their stories and recipes from around the world Read more

Now a movement with a global reach, It’s All About The Food inspires people to create a more conscious relationship with food and lifestyle.

Like, like, like. My confidence grew with each click. Keren David
When someone dumps you, it's heartbreaking and insulting and horrible, sure, but being the one who breaks up is almost as bad. Keren David